Connect to azure storage (blob) using python

  22 Dec 2018
  azure, python

The following code snippets are on creating a connection to Azure Blob Storage using Python with account access key.
For more details on Azure Blob Storage and generating the access key, visit :

Blob Service Object

# Import the required modules
from import BlockBlobService

# Create the BlockBlobService object, which points to the Blob service in your storage account
block_blob_service = BlockBlobService(account_name = 'Storage-Account-Name',
				      account_key = 'Storage-Account-Key')
Please visit here to check the list of operations can be performed on the blob service object :   

List the blobs in a container

# Connect to the container (similar to filder)
generator = block_blob_service.list_blobs('Container-Name')

# Print Blob Name
for blob in generator:

Read and Write

# get_blob_to_text

# create-blob-from-text