Connect to azure datalake store using python

  20 Dec 2018
  azure, python

The following code snippets are on creating a connection to Azure Data Lake Storage Gen1 using Python with Service-to-Service authentication with client secret and client id.
Follow the link, for more details on different ways to connect to Azure Data Lake Storage Gen1.


# Import the required modules
from import core, lib

# Define the parameters needed to authenticate using client secret
token = lib.auth(tenant_id = 'TENANT',
                 client_secret = 'SECRET',
                 client_id = 'ID')

# Create a filesystem client object for the Azure Data Lake Store name (ADLS)
adl = core.AzureDLFileSystem(token, store_name='ADLS Account Name')

Please visit here to check the list of operations ADLS filesystem client can perform -


# Import the required modules
import pandas as pd

# Read a file stored in csv format as input_file
with'Path-to-Data-Lake-Store-File-stored-in-csv-format', 'rb') as f:
    input_file = pd.read_csv(f)


# convert the output_file dataframe to csv format
output_str = output_file.to_csv(mode = 'w', index=False)

# save the converted object to a particular location with the file name with which to be saved
with'Path-to-Data-Lake-Store-File-as-to-save', 'wb') as o:

The both path, input path and output path to data lake store starts with the root folder and access to the same depends on the level of access provided to Azure AD Web App from which client secret is generated