Access Azure Active Directory Groups using R

  02 Sep 2019
  azure, r

The following code snippets are on creating a connection to Azure Active Directoy using R with Service-to-Service authentication with client secret and client id using REST API and fetch Active Directory`s groups and associated details with them like owners and memebers.

Import Prerequisite



h <- new_handle()
               "scope" = "",
               "client_id"= "ENTER CLIENT ID HERE",
               "client_secret"="ENTER CLIENT SECRET HERE",
               "tenant_id"= "ENTER TENANT ID HERE"
authentication_url <- "{ENTER-TENANT-ID-HERE}/oauth2/v2.0/token"
authentication_response <- fromJSON(rawToChar(curl_fetch_memory(authentication_url, handle = h)$content))
authentication_token <- paste(authentication_response$token_type, authentication_response$access_token)
// token_type is "Bearer" in this case and hence authentication token starts with "Bearer "

// Function to return response using above authentication token and a request link
get_response <- function(request_link, auth_token){
  request <- GET(request_link, add_headers(Authorization = auth_token))
  response <- fromJSON(content((request),"text"))


link <- ""
groups <- get_response(link, authentication_token)

// dataframe which contains all group details is stored in value variable

// The first hit will return only 100 results. To get more, use the 
// @odata.nextLink property value as the next link value, and loop through it

Each group created above will have an unique group id associated with it. This id value can be used to get each group members and owners details as well, as shown below :

  • Group Owners

owners_requests_url = "{ENTER-GROUP-ID-HERE}/owners"
group_owners <- get_response(owners_requests_url, authentication_token)  
  • Group Members

members_requests_url = "{ENTER-GROUP-ID-HERE}/members"
group_members <- get_response(members_requests_url, authentication_token)