T-SQL - Querying multiple tables using Set Operators

  08 Mar 2019

Note : The following scripts are the part of the course on edx titled as: Querying Data with Transact-SQL -
Querying Data with Transact-SQL
These queries works on AdventureWorks database and information regarding the same
can be accessed by visiting following link -
AdventureWorks Installation and configuration

Union, Intersectm Except Union returns result set of distinct rows combined from all statements Union all retains duplicates Column Names aka are decided in the first query only not in further queries, No. of Columns should be same and compatible data types

Select FirstName, LastName , 'Employee' As Type
From SalesLT.Customer
Select FirstName, LastName, 'Employee Duplicate'
From SalesLT.Customer
Order By LastName;
Select FirstName, LastName , 'Employee' As Type
From SalesLT.Customer
Union ALL
Select FirstName, LastName, 'Employee Duplicate'
From SalesLT.Customer
Order By LastName;

Intersect and Except Intersect - Distinct Rows that exist in both sets.

Select A,B from T1
Select A,B from T2
Distinct rows in the first set but not in the second.
Select A,B from T1
Select A,B from T2